A good question to start with is not if your Developmental Disabilities Council (Council) should be working to increase employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, but rather how your Council can collaborate with other partners to advance the Employment First movement in your state. Whether your state has many Employment First partners and has been part of the movement for a long time, or your state is newer in its journey, Councils can play a critical role in bringing people together and making positive changes. If we start with the assumption that
Employment First is an integral part of your Council’s mission, it is just a matter of figuring out what your unique role is.
Fair Pay, Dignity, and Equality Should Never be Negotiable: The Role of Centers for Independent Living in Advancing Competitive, Integrated Employment
In this blog Mary-Kate Wells and Jessica Podesva from the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) discuss the role of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in advancing competitive, integrated employment (CIE). Hear more from NCIL in the Disability Employment