How to Sign Up for the DETAC LMS
This platform has been created solely for AoD Grantees: Centers for Independent Living, Councils on Developmental Disabilities, Protection and Advocacy Entities, University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, Traumatic Brain Injury Centers, and Community Collaborations for Employment.
To access DETAC’s LMS system, fill out the Create Your Account form. DETAC staff will confirm that you are a member of one of the grantee organizations and send you an e-mail that you LMS account is approved.
LMS Courses
Creating a Program to Foster Self-Employment
Sue Babin, Director of Employment and Family Support Services at SRVS and founder and Project Director for Rhode Island’s Self-Employment Business Incubator Project
This course contains the key ingredients which a self-employment program should possess, and goes into the nuts and bolts of creating such a program for people with disabilities in your state. It starts with how to identify potential employer-partners and develop a strategic plan. Then it moves to how to improve the depth of partner relationships and foster greater levels of commitment from employers, funding mechanisms, potential next steps and ends on a unit on program evaluation.
Employer Engagement
Dale Verstegen, Senior Research Associate, TransCen
Troy Allen, Director of Employment and Family Support Services at SRVS
This course is on how to build the relationships necessary to advance employment for people with disabilities. It starts with how to identify potential employer-partners and develop a strategic plan. Then it moves to how to improve the depth of partner relationships and foster greater levels of comitment from employers, and ends on a unit on program evaluation.
Financial Education
Miranda Kennedy, Director, ABLE National Resource Center
Laurie Schaller, Manager, Financial Empowerment, National Disability Institute and ABLE National Resource Center
Nathan Turner, ABLE account owner and ABLE National Resource Center Ambassador
Cheryl Walfall-Flagg, Parent of an ABLE account owner and ABLE National Resource Center Ambassador
Tobey Partch-Davies, PhD, Project Director, Institute on Disability, College of Health and Human Services, University of New Hampshire
This course begins with a team from the ABLE National Resource Center describing the workings and potential uses of ABLE accounts. It then moves on to cover the complexities of basic competencies for financial planners, person-centered financial wellbeing and employment income, SSDI and personal budgeting for people with disabilities. It includes numerous real world examples, including the basics of personal budgeting as well as situations of managing past debts, making decisions about employment versus SSDI income tradeoffs and managing an ABLE account.
Disability Employment and DD Councils
Yasmina Bouraoui, Deputy Director, Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council
Jeremy Norden-Paul, Director of Division of Program Innovation, Tennessee Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
This course covers recent developments in Employment First policies and state-level initiatives to translate this policy into effective practices. It addresses ways DD Councils work with provider organizations, engage employers, foster system change and promote sustainability. It ends on how managed long-term services and supports can be used to incentivize employment.
Person Driven Technology Accommodations
Jennifer L. White, CEO, Able Opportunities, Inc.
This Course provides an introduction and practical steps for how to integrate Person-Driven technology-based accommodation tools into agency goals and direct services to people with disabilities across home, school, community and work environments. Tools discussed have a track record of success addressing some of the biggest barriers to Competitive Integrated Employment for people with significant disabilities. All participants will receive a link to copies of implementation tools demonstrated and discussed.
Best Practices in Developing an Employment Program for CIL
Sandy Jordan, Director of Employment Programs, Able South Carolina
Melanie Hogan, Executive Director, Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential (LEAP)
This course has three lessons which will cover embedding employment into CILs core services, evaluating and developing employment services, and building employment partnerships.