
Developing a Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Competency Training Program within your UCEDD

Authored by Ces Coulson, Executive Director, Washington Initiative for Supported Employment (WISE) | Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center-UCEDD-2 | September 2021

People with disabilities, across the United States, are continually in pursuit of employment that is fulfilling, meaningful, and of value to themselves and the employers in their community. With the range of opportunities, unique dreams, and ever emerging needs, it is important for your state to maintain a core group of employment agencies that will be able to deliver quality employment services to meet the ongoing needs of job candidates with disabilities and employers.

There are a multitude of strategies needed to maintain a high performing employment service system in your state. One fundamental strategy is regular CIE competency training for those professionals that are tasked with delivery of CIE services in the community. As a UCEDD in your state, you are uniquely positioned to meet all or a portion of this critical training need.

We know there will continue to be an ever changing and dynamic employment landscape. We know that people with disabilities want to work. And we know employers need quality employees that can offer their unique skills to enhancing their businesses. So how can you organize a portion of your resources at the University to meet these needs?

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