Demographic Data
Total state population
Total number of people with disabilities
Breakdown by category of disability
Hearing difficulty
Vision difficulty
Cognitive difficulty
Ambulatory difficulty
Self-care difficulty
Independent living difficulty
Race/ethnicity breakdown
For more detailed metrics on demographics for people with disabilities, please visit Disability Employment Statistics | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov).
Employment and unemployment rates for people with disabilities
Employment rate for People with Disabilities (PwD)
Unemployment rate for PwD
Percent of PwD not working but actively looking for work
Additional demographics for people with disabilities
For more detailed metrics on demographics for people with disabilities, please visit Disability Employment Statistics | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov).
Employment data for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
For additional data on state performance in work and participation for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities please visit StateData.info | Statedata.info.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Virgin Islands
- Puerto Rico
- Guam
- American Samoa
Number of AoD grantee programs across the country
For more information on the AoD grantee programs across the country, please visit Administration on Disabilities | ACL Administration for Community Living.
Austin Resource Center for Independent Living
825 East Rundberg Lane
Austin, TX 78753
Phone: 512-832-6349
825 East Rundberg Lane
Austin, TX 78753
Phone: 512-832-6349
ED:Ronald Rocha
Heart of Central Texas Independent Living
P.O. Box 636, 222 East Central Avenue
Belton, TX 76513
Phone: 254-933-7487
P.O. Box 636, 222 East Central Avenue
Belton, TX 76513
Phone: 254-933-7487
ED:Melissa Ingriola
East Texas Center for Independent Living
4713 Troup Highway
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: 903-581-7542
4713 Troup Highway
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: 903-581-7542
ED:Jay Nichols
Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living
1537 Seventh Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 361-883-8461
1537 Seventh Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 361-883-8461
ED:Linda Fallwell-Stover
Coalition for Barrier Free Living/Houston Center for Independent Living (Ft. Bend)
6201 Bonhomme Road, Suite 150 South
Houston, TX 77036
Phone: 713-974-4621
6201 Bonhomme Road, Suite 150 South
Houston, TX 77036
Phone: 713-974-4621
ED:Chamane Barrow
Crockett Resource Center for Independent Living
1020 Loop 304 East
Crockett, TX 75835
Phone: 936-433-2811
1020 Loop 304 East
Crockett, TX 75835
Phone: 936-433-2811
ED:Sara Minton
Reach of Dallas
8625 King George Drive, Suite 210
Dallas, TX 79925
Phone: 214-630-4796
8625 King George Drive, Suite 210
Dallas, TX 79925
Phone: 214-630-4796
ED:Charlotte Stewart
VOLAR Center for Independent Living
1220 Golden Key Circle
El Paso, TX 79925
Phone: 915-591-0800
1220 Golden Key Circle
El Paso, TX 79925
Phone: 915-591-0800
ED:Luis Chew
San Antonio Independent Living
1028 South Alamo Street, Suite One
San Antonio, TX 78210
Phone: 210-281-1878
1028 South Alamo Street, Suite One
San Antonio, TX 78210
Phone: 210-281-1878
ED: Kitty Brietzke
Able Center for Independent Living
4803 Plaza Boulevard, Suite 401
Odessa, TX 79762
Phone: 432-580-3439
4803 Plaza Boulevard, Suite 401
Odessa, TX 79762
Phone: 432-580-3439
ED:Marilyn Hancock
The Valley Association for Independent Living dba VAIL
3016 North McColl Road, Suite B
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: 956-668-8245
3016 North McColl Road, Suite B
McAllen, TX 78501
Phone: 956-668-8245
ED:Susan Nelson
Lifetime Independence for Everyone, Inc.
8240 Boston Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79423
Phone: 806-795-5433
8240 Boston Avenue
Lubbock, TX 79423
Phone: 806-795-5433
ED:Michelle Crain
Resource, Information, Support, and Empowerment (RISE)
755 South 11th Street, Suite 101
Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-832-2599
755 South 11th Street, Suite 101
Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-832-2599
ED:Jim Brocato
Panhandle Independent Living Center
417 West 10th Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: 806-374-1400
417 West 10th Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: 806-374-1400
ED:Joseph Rogers
Palestine Resource Center for Independent Living (Crockett)
421 Avenue A
Palestine, TX 75801
Phone: 903-729-7505
421 Avenue A
Palestine, TX 75801
Phone: 903-729-7505
ED:Sara Minton
Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living
1869 Briarcrest Drive
Bryan, TX 77802
Phone: 979-776-5505
1869 Briarcrest Drive
Bryan, TX 77802
Phone: 979-776-5505
ED:Jackie Pacha
Center on Disability and Development
Texas A&M University
Department of Educational Psychology
Harrington 637C
Mail Stop 4225
College Station, TX 77843-4225
Main Phone: 979-845-4612
Main Fax: 979-862-1256
Texas A&M University
Department of Educational Psychology
Harrington 637C
Mail Stop 4225
College Station, TX 77843-4225
Main Phone: 979-845-4612
Main Fax: 979-862-1256
Texas Center for Disability Studies
The University of Texas at Austin
Commons Learning Center
10100 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78758-4445
Main Phone: 512-232-0740
Toll Free Number: 800-828-7839
Main Fax: 512-232-0761
TTY: 512-232-0762
The University of Texas at Austin
Commons Learning Center
10100 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78758-4445
Main Phone: 512-232-0740
Toll Free Number: 800-828-7839
Main Fax: 512-232-0761
TTY: 512-232-0762
Disability Rights Texas
2222 West Braker Lane
Austin, TX 78758
Phone & TDD: (512) 454-4816
Toll-Free & TDD: (800) 252-9108
FAX: (512) 323-0902
Disability Rights Texas
2222 West Braker Lane
Austin, TX 78758
Phone & TDD: (512) 454-4816
Toll-Free & TDD: (800) 252-9108
FAX: (512) 323-0902