Supporting the Mental Health of Georgia Job Seekers and Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) During the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic:
Supporting the Mental Health of Georgia Job Seekers and Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) During the Pandemic and Post-Pandemic:
A Focus on Encouraging Good Mental Health Through Reintegration and Continued Integration of Georgians with I/DD into Their Communities
December 20, 2022
Tracy Rackensperger, Ph.D.
University of Georgia
Institute on Human Development and Disability
850 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected life for everyone. This paper specifically provides context for how individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) have managed in terms of their employment, mental health, and community inclusion during these challenging times. This paper examines how we, as professionals supporting with Georgians with I/DD, must do better to aid these individuals to reintegrate and continue to integrate into their communities. Since competitive integrated employment is an essential part of being fully participatory in their communities, supporting the mental health of Georgia job seekers and employees with I/DD during the pandemic and post-pandemic must be conducted. This paper details action plans with steps we must take to ensure the mental needs of Georgia job seekers and employees with I/DD during the pandemic and post-pandemic are met.