
Taking a Deeper Dive into a Project of National Significance: Community Collaborations for Employment (CCE)

Webinar: Date: September 13, 2022   |   Time: 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm EST


In 2021, the Administration for Community Living awarded seven grants to support the Community Collaborations for Employment (CCE) Program to help increase and enhance collaborations across systems to maximize a seamless experience for youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) as they transition between school and work in the community.  The program recognizes that multiple systems each play a role at the community level to ensure that youth with disabilities have the support, services, and resources they need to successfully transition into their post-secondary lives.


The DETAC welcomed three CCE Grantees (Arizona, Kansas, and Massachusetts) as they shared insights about the strategic framework they established to help optimize opportunities for youth with I/DD to achieve competitive integrated employment within Tribal reservations, rural, urban, and suburban communities.



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