
The Components of Integrated Employment Service Systems

July 2022
Authored by Ruby Moore, Georgia Advocacy Office
Steven Schwartz, Center for Public Representation


This is the fourth and final paper in a series of articles on competitive integrated employment (CIE). The first, Ending Segregated Workshops and Promoting Competitive Integrated Employment, addressed relevant legislation, court decisions, and litigation strategies for shuttering segregated employment programs. The second, Advancing Competitive Integrated Employment through Legal Advocacy Systems, surveyed successful policy, legislative, and community stakeholder strategies in reforming systems and requiring CIE in law and practice. The third, The Components of Integrated Employment Service Systems, Part 1, identified several of the foundational pillars of effective integrated employment systems, including: (1) supported employment services; (2) outreach, in-reach, and informed choice; (3) assessment, career development plans, and service planning; and (4) closing sheltered workshops.


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