Under the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act (WIOA), CILs are charged with supporting individuals to transition into the community to avoid institutional and nursing home placements, as well as the transition of youth with significant disabilities to adult life after completion of secondary education. CILs have the background, expertise, and experience to assist AJCs and employers in supporting jobseekers with disabilities. The following resource can be used as a tool for educating AJCs on ways CILs can support their work and promote the hiring and retention of workers with disabilities in local communities.
DETAC Observes National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2024
DETAC Joins Broad Effort to Observe National Disability Employment Awareness Month  Nationwide campaign takes place each October October 2024 — The Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) joins the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office