RISE e-Learning Communities

Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence
The Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) peer-learning communities are time-limited, results-oriented workgroups of AoD grantees on a specific topic related to strengthen grantees’ efforts to improve CIE and economic advancement of people with disabilities. Check out the latest RISE peer-learning communities offered, eligible AoD grantees, goals and timelines.
DETAC's Recent RISE e-Learning Communities
Using Data to Set Employment Goals/Objectives and Measure Outcomes
DETAC Announces New Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) e-Learning Community Open to State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (Councils) Apply HERE! (complete URL included below) URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo2Lfl6J958V4tYyCJmU0BDMTUJDK0GTFVkm_xp-sYeEp0pg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Past RISE e-Learning Communities
Description: During October 2023 through January 2024, the National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) facilitated the Strategies to Phase-Out 14(c) Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) peer e-learning community for the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC). Community participants included five Centers for Independent Living (CILs), 14 State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DD Councils), five State Protection & Advocacy Entities (P&As), six University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs), and one Project of National Significance, Community Collaborations for Employment (PNS CCE) grantee. The goal of this group was to share actionable strategies and facilitate peer-to-peer discussion on ending segregated employment and subminimum wage for people with disabilities under section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) prioritizes competitive integrated employment in which people with disabilities are paid comparable wages to their co-workers without disabilities in an integrated work setting. Through presentations from subject matter experts and facilitated discussions, participants developed strategies they could apply in their communities to advocate for systems change.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Beyond Limits: Personal Journeys Toward Employment Success
Description: From January through June 2024, the Washington Initiative for Supported Employment (Wise) facilitated the Beyond Limits: Personal Journeys Towards Employment Success Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) peer e-learning community for the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC). This series offered a platform for self-advocates to share their employment journeys, providing valuable insights to AoD grantees around unique challenges they faced, lessons they learned, and accomplishments they achieved while navigating systemic barriers. To broaden the reach of this community, we’re excited to share this one-pager with a summary of the community, links to all session recordings, examples of actions you can take to advance employment and self-advocacy.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Peer Support for Centers for Independent Living (CILs) Building Employment Services
Description: From February through August 2024, Dr. Lidia Fonseca from the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL), Valley Association for Independent Living (VAIL), and the Texas Association of Centers for Independent Living (TEXCIL), facilitated the Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) e-Learning community, Peer Support for CILs Building Employment Services. To broaden the reach of this community, we’re excited to share this one-pager with a summary of the community, links to all session recordings, examples of actions participants are taking to build employment services at their CILs, and related resources.
Availability: Open to CILs
Description: From May through August 2024, Able South Carolina (Able SC) facilitated two cohorts of the Past, Present, and Future of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) Facilitating Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) peer e-learning community, for the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC). The purpose of the community was to provide CILs supporting the employment outcomes of youth with disabilities with an overview of Pre-ETS, lessons learned from other CILs, and considerations for student engagement in Pre-ETS planning and implementation. Centers for Independent Living play a pivotal role in assisting individuals with disabilities in every aspect of community living including providing support obtaining employment opportunities. To broaden the reach of this community, we’re excited to share this one-pager with a summary of the community, links to all session recordings, and examples of actions you can take to facilitate Pre-ETS.
Availability: Open to CILs
Bring Your Device: Tech Training
Description: Between January to May 2024, Jennifer White and Andrew McQuaide of Able Opportunities Inc. facilitated the Bring Your Device: Tech Training Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) peer e-learning community for the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC). To broaden the reach of this community, we’re excited to share this one-pager with a summary of the community, links to all session recordings, examples of actions participants are taking to integrate assistive technology, and related resources.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Show Me the Money! Accessing Medicaid Administrative Claiming for Brain Injury Services and Supports
Description: From June to August 2024, the Administration on Disabilities (AoD) Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) partnered with the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) to offer the Show Me the Money! Accessing Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) for Brain Injury Services and Supports Results and Innovation in Systems Excellence (RISE) e-learning community. This community centered on breaking down the components of MAC to help states develop the groundwork necessary to implement administrative claiming or expand existing claiming. With presentations by guest speakers from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska, and HCBS Strategies, Inc., facilitators provided guidance on establishing connections and initiating communications for the exploration of MAC funds over the course of this four-session, action-oriented series for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) State Partnership Program grantees.
Availability: Open to TBI Grantees
Engaging Diverse Communities: Implications for Competitive, Integrated Employment: Part 1: The Role of Cultural and Linguistic Competence in the Disability Space
Cultural competence and linguistic competence are widely recognized as fundamental aspects of human services. Cultural and linguistic competence are evidence-based practices that contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion across the public and private sectors. While evidence suggests the efficacy of cultural and linguistic competence in many sectors such as social services, education, and health care ⎼ evidence of their application in disability employment has been slower to evolve. Some disability employment organizations and programs continue to struggle with the full integration of cultural and linguistic competence into their policies, structures, practices, and procedures. The design of this two-part series takes an in depth look at the conceptual frameworks of cultural competence and linguistic competence and ways to use these approaches to engage diverse communities in the disability space.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Engaging Diverse Communities: Implications for Competitive, Integrated Employment: Part 2: Engaging Minoritized Communities: Implications for Competitive Integrated Employment and Community Living
Historically, many U.S. communities experienced discrimination, marginalization, and oppression. Consistent with the past, these injustices continue to affect specific racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, disability, religious, and other identity groups in states, jurisdictions (DC), territories, and tribal nations. The term minoritized emerged and it is increasingly accepted as a way to describe the experiences of these communities and the people who reside in them. Used as a verb, selected definitions indicate the inherent intentionality and active nature of “minoritized” for many social groups. Engaging communities that have experienced historical trauma can be daunting. Those attempting to engage these communities are often challenged by reticence, suspicion, restraint, lack of trust, and attributed in part to lived experiences (past and current) of many community members. This two-part series is designed to: (1) examine historical trauma and its impact on persons with disabilities, their families, and the communities in which they live; and (2) highlight the role of cultural brokering to engage members of minoritized communities.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Customized Job Development
Description: AoD grantees that support individuals with disabilities to obtain and retain competitive, integrated employment (CIE) face challenges in ensuring that people with disabilities obtain jobs that match their interests and skills and that pay living wages. If your organization is experiencing challenges related to securing CIE for people with disabilities or has limited knowledge and/or resources in employment or partnerships to support the advancement of CIE for individuals with complex disabilities in your state, then this Peer e-Learning Community on key strategies of Customized Job Development is for you!
Join us as we gain a broader perspective of innovative strategies to assist persons in obtaining CIE. We will learn from each other and brainstorm strategies to leverage collaborative partnerships and how to integrate this information into the work of your organization and the community to advance competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Assistive Technology and Employment
This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was open to all grantees. Participants reviewed both traditional and new tools / resources to gain a broader perspective, brainstorm strategies to leverage collaborative partners, integrate smart screen technology on a larger scale, and plan for successful implementation of AT structures within organizations to advance competitive, integrated employment for people with disabilities.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Financial Inclusion Matters in Achieving Economic Self-Sufficiency and Employment
This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was open to all grantees. The cohort was focused on identifying, prioritizing, and learning how to adopt solutions meant to unravel opportunities and improve competitive, integrated employment options and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Employer Engagement and Partnership
This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was open to all grantees. Participants had the opportunity to assess the current level of partnerships with employers, engage specific employers in strategic engagement activities to increase the level of partnership and evaluate the benefits and impact of one or more partnerships with employers.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Councils and Employment
This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was facilitated solely for State Councils on Developmental Disabilities that needed support around the employment goals in their plans. The structure of the eLearning Community was broad group meetings with 1:1 consultation embedded in the technical assistance.
Availability: Open to Councils only
Building Back Better
This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was open to all grantees. The focus of the eLearning Community was to build out and build up employment through helping participants develop or enhance their vision for the future in the local community and state, whether it be through policy reform, program implementation, or direct support provision.
Availability: Open to all grantees
Walking the Walk
Prioritizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Organizational Culture and Programming to Support People with Disabilities to Achieve Maximum CIE: This Results in Systems Excellence (RISE) Peer eLearning Community was open to all grantees. It provided resources, tips, a safe space for conversation and learning focused at building equity in policy and programming to support the advancement of people with disabilities from marginalized communities in employment.
Availability: Open to all grantees